Review Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles on Opportunistic Microorganisms: A Systematic Review

Table 5

Recent studies of CeNP antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis.

Strain of
B. subtilis
Microbiological techniqueResult

ATCC 66335.0Agar diffusionParticle A: ~3.2 mm
Particle B: <1 mm
Particle C: ~2 mm
Particle D: ~3 mm
0.05; 0.1; 0.15FluorescenceParticle A: between 40 and 65% of viable cells
Particle B: between 80 and 90% of viable cells
Particle C: between 60 and 80% viable cells
Particle D: between 45 and 65% of viable cells
0.1Counting CFU/mLBetween 108 and 109 for experimental groups and 109 for control

KACC 14394-Broth microdilution4 µg/mL[18]

Ni1Agar diffusion0.0 mm [20]
54.67 ± 0.33 mm
1010.33 ± 0.33 mm

ATCC 66330.17CFU count~40% of survival [23]
0.34~12% of survival

Ni: not identified in the paper; CFU: colony forming unit; in chronological order. Source: original source.