Research Article

Sedentary Lifestyle and Nonspecific Low Back Pain in Medical Personnel in North-East Poland

Table 4

Occurrence of non-specific low back pain, depending on the levels of physical activity.

The level of physical activityRecurrent nsLBPChronic nsLBP
OR (95 CI)pOR (95 CI)p

Sedentery lifestyle3.582 (2.549 – 5.033)<0.0010.110 (0.060 – 0.202)<0.001
Moderate0.086 (0.041 – 0.181)<0.0010.939 (0.532 – 1.659)0.829
Increased0.067 (0.021 – 0.217)<0.0010.451 (0.176 – 1.159)0.098
High1.512 (1.038 – 2.203)0.03110.690 (6.646 – 17.195)<0.001

OR- odds ratio,
the risk of nsLBP was significantly increased; the risk of nsLBP was significantly decreased (the univariate logistic regression model).