Research Article

Effects of Propranolol on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Patients with Infantile Hemangioma: A Case-Control Study

Table 4

Factors influencing the scores of each domain in the patient .

Variable Adaption Gross motor Fine motorLanguage functioningPersonal social functioning
values (95% CI) values (95% CI) values (95% CI) values (95% CI) values (95% CI)

Gender0.058 (−5.812–8.184)0.732−0.119 (−11.689–6.091)0.5260.088 (−6.722–10.976)0.627−0.109 (−11.332–5.950)0.5300.101 (−9.666–16.939)0.581
Age at initiation of therapy0.154 (−18.479–20.308)0.9240.397 (−21.955–27.319)0.826−0.712 (−29.5031–19.544)0.6821.884 (−10.508–37.386)0.2612.644 (−9.515–64.214)0.140
Age at neurodevelopment test−0.653 (−23.404–15.031)0.660−0.586 (−28.696–20.130)0.7230.255 (−22.373–26.228)0.873−1.516 (−35.439–12.020)0.322−2.218 (−61.368–11.690)0.175
The duration of treatment0.241 (−18.132–20.549)0.8990.399 (−22.291–26.848)0.851−0.718 (−28.707–20.205)0.725−2.445 (−9.113–38.649)0.2173.144 (−9.666–16.939)0.581

stepwise regression analyses were used to identify the main risk factors; CI: confidence interval.