Review Article

Effectiveness of Low to Moderate Physical Exercise Training on the Level of Low-Density Lipoproteins: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Coding sheet for critical appraisal.

Quality componentsYes/No (1/0)Factors of the quality

Background and aima thorough research of related literature has been done and described well in the background of the study
illustrated significance of the study has been mentioned
clear aim of the study has been included

Designnumber of the groups in the study
blinding of the study
baseline for the targeted measurement has been developed
sample size was appropriate to answer the question of the study

Subjectsrecruitment of subjects was illustrated clearly and following a strategy that is appropriate for the design
the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the subjects stated clearly
Adherence of the patients to the suggested protocol
withdrawal percentage of subjects from the sample size before statistical analysis does not affect the statistical analysis of the study
groups in the study were from similar environments

Interventiontreatment protocol was described clearly
treatment is equal for all subjects
treatment efficacy was measured precisely

Outcomethe outcome of the study was illustrated clearly
supported for clinical importance with validity and reliability
follow up period to measure the persistence of the effects after the intervention

Analysisstatistical analysis is well illustrated and suitable to measure the efficiency of the treatment
the statistical analysis has been supported by mention of the significance of the intervention (p-value)

The study is replicableThe study is replicable by other researchers because of availability of the previous factors

Recommendation and conclusionRecommendation and conclusion of the study were stated clearly and related to the results of the study