Clinical Study

Clinical Relevance of Bone Density Values from CT Related to Dental Implant Stability: A Retrospective Study

Table 5

Torque comparison among implant types.

Torque value
(; mean ± SD)

 Nobel Replace Select Tapered53; <0.001
 Nobel Active38;
 Nobel Replace Select Straight14;
 Nobel Replace Groovy10;
 Nobel Speedy28;
 Brånemark Groovy6; 1.00
 Nobel Replace Select Tapered92; <0.001
 Nobel Active2; 3.00
 Nobel Replace Select Straight9;
 Nobel Replace Groovy2; 3.00
 Nobel Speedy15;

: number; SD: standard deviation; Kruskal Wallis test. Significant post hoc comparisons: Nobel Active versus Nobel Replace Select Straight; Nobel Active versus Nobel Replace Groovy; Nobel Active versus Nobel Speedy; Nobel Replace Select Tapered versus Nobel Replace Select Straight.