Research Article

Differentiation Model Establishment and Differentiation-Related Protein Screening in Primary Cultured Human Sebocytes

Figure 1

Establishment of human sebocyte differentiation model in vitro. Primary sebocytes cultured in growth media with 10% FBS were switched into media containing low serum concentrations (2% FBS) and incubated for 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 days, respectively. (a) Cell cycle and apoptosis were determined using flow cytometry. (b) Transmission electron microscopy showed incremental number and volume of intracytoplasmic lipid vacuoles over a 7-day culture period (scale bars = 5 μm). L, lipid vacuole; N, nucleus; Ly, lysosome. (c) Oil Red O staining exhibited a gradual increase of intracellular lipid accumulation (scale bars = 20 μm). , compared with day 0.