Research Article

Cone-Beam Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Root Canal Morphology of Maxillary Premolars in a Saudi Population

Table 1

The frequency and percentage of number of roots and canal configuration in maxillary first premolar teeth.

Number of Roots
One RootTwo RootsThree RootsTotal

Frequency ()Women43 (26.5%)119 (73.5%)0 (0%)162 (100%)
Men36 (20.9%)132 (76.8%)4 (2.3%)172 (100%)
Total79 (23.7%)251 (75.1%)4 (1.2%)334 (100%)

Canal Configuration

Type I (1)Type II (2-1)Type III (1-2-1)Type IV (2)Type V (1-2)Type VI (2-1-2)Type VII (1-2-1-2)Type VIII (3)Total

Frequency ()Women15 (9.3%)17 (10.5%)5 (3.1%)112 (69.1%)9 (5.6%)3 (1.8%)0 (0%)1 (0.6%)162 (100%)
Men21 (12.2%)11 (6.4%)1 (0.6%)124 (72.1%)4 (2.3%)4 (2.3%)1 (0.6%)6 (3.5%)172 (100%)
Total36 (10.8%)28 (8.4%)6 (1.8%)236 (70.6%)13 (3.9%)7 (2.1%)1 (0.3%)7 (2.1%)334 (100%)