Research Article

Changes in Serum Electrolytes, ECG, and Baroreflex Sensitivity during Combined Pituitary Stimulation Test

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the enrolled subjects.

PtAgeSex (cm) (kg)FBS (mg/dL)HbA1c (%)Underlying disease and history of operationMedications

158M162.061.01085.7Pituitary adenoma-

243F150.045.086NAPituitary apoplexy-

365M163.872.51125.6Pituitary adenoma, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, s/p TSAPrednisolone

452F161.765.91086.4Prolactinoma, HTNARB, bromocriptine

542F161.864.6835.5Pituitary adenoma-

622F161.950.6100NAHypogonadotropic hypogonadism-

760M170.271.51295.7Pituitary adenoma-

863F155.379.31055.8Empty sella syndrome,
PTC, s/p total thyroidectomy
Cal.vit. D, LT4


1055M161.072.5826.0Pituitary adenoma, s/p TSAPrednisolone, LT4, cal.vit. D, testosterone

1133F157.044.088NAPituitary adenoma, s/p TSA-

1252F160.572.31216.4Acromegaly, DM, HTN, s/p TSA,Losartan, thiazide,
metformin, sitagliptin

49 ± 12.8M/F
160.6 ± 4.963.9 ± 11.6101.7 ± 155.9 ± 0.3Pituitary adenoma: 6,
s/p TSA: 4,
Prolactinoma: 2, DM: 1,
HTN: 2,

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or number (%). Pt, patients; , height; , weight; FBS, fasting blood sugar; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; NA, Not available; Cal.vit.D, calcium vitamin D; DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; LT4, levothyroxine; PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma; s/p, status post; TSA, transsphenoidal adenoidectomy.