Research Article

Developmental Programming of Capuchin Monkey Adrenal Dysfunction by Gestational Chronodisruption

Table 1

Offspring’s body weight (g; mean ± SEM) at birth and at 1 month and 10 months of age.


At birth222.5 ± 10.1197.5 ± 15.5
1 Month397.5 ± 5.2370.0 ± 11.5
10 Months992.5 ± 18.0980.0 ± 62.7

Control: newborns and infants from mothers maintained in 14:10 light:dark cycle (n=4). LL: newborns and infants from mothers maintained with lights continuously on from about 100 days of gestation to delivery (n=4). Different to control 1-month-old infant (P<0.05 Student’s t-test).