Research Article

Profiling of Stem/Progenitor Cell Regulatory Genes of the Synovial Joint by Genome-Wide RNA-Seq Analysis

Figure 2

RNA-sequencing analysis of differential gene expression between articular zone and mature zone of the synovial joint condyle. (a) Empirical (black dots) and fitted (red lines) dispersion values plotted against the mean of the normalised count. (b) Plot of normalised mean versus log2 fold change for the contrast AZ versus MZ. (c) Histogram of P values from gene-by-gene statistical tests for differential expression. (d) Heatmap with hierarchical clustering of gene expression in articular zone (az) and mature zone (mz). (e) Summary of differential gene expression by the comparison of articular zone to mature zone. (f) Validation of RNA-Seq results by RT-qPCR.