Research Article

Effect of Ambient PM2.5-Bound BbFA and DahA on Small Airway Dysfunction of Primary Schoolchildren in Northeast China

Table 3

OR for the incidence of PVD and SAD in students of schools A and B in Harbin.

Incidence of PVD (%)Incidence of SAD (%)
School ASchool BSchool ASchool B

Heating season49.6747.0217.6429.14#
Nonheating season26.7928.4811.7616.56
OR (95% CI)2.696 (1.672–4.348)2.229 (1.384–3.590)1.607 (0.844–3.060)2.073 (1.190–3.608)

OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. vs. schoolchildren in the nonheating season; # vs. schoolchildren A in the heating season.