Research Article

Characterization of a Halotolerant Fungus from a Marine Sponge

Figure 1

Morphological characteristics of front and back views of the isolate grown on four different media. (a, b) Potato dextrose agar (PDA): yeast forms were globose, shiny, dark green turning to black, produced flat greenish grey spores surrounding green centre. (c, d) Malt extract agar (MEA): yeast forms were globose, shiny, black, produced raised light green spores. (e, f) Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA): yeast forms were globose, not shiny, light brown and turned from dark brown to black, produced raised grey spores with black centre. (g, h) Corn meal agar (CMA): yeast forms grew poorly, with light brown colour, no spores.