Research Article

Economic Recession and Attendances in the Pediatric Emergency Department

Table 1

Place of residence of ED attendees.


Achaia1277 (73.5)1429 (78.4)1757 (83.6)< 0.001< 0.001
Ilia73 (4.2)76 (4.2)93 (4.4)0.9090.720
Aetolia-Acarnania109 (6.3)112 (6.1)130 (6.2)0.9870.920
Other279 (16.0)206 (11.3)121 (5.7)< 0.001< 0.001

Data are number of cases with percentages in parentheses. Statistical significance was calculated by chi-square test.
Local Regional Unit; regional units of the region of Western Greece; refers to children of whom families were visiting the region of Western Greece at the time of ED presentation.
ED: emergency department.