Research Article

Looking for Lepidic Component inside Invasive Adenocarcinomas Appearing as CT Solid Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (SPNs): CT Morpho-Densitometric Features and 18-FDG PET Findings

Table 1

Study sample. The table shows the morphologic features, CE (contrast enhancement) and SUVmax of all SPNs grouped according to margin type; +: presence; -: absence.


SPICULATED + -8,00881,20
+ -10,00970,20
+ -13,00480,40
+ -19,00880,40
+ -22,00241,70

IRREGULAR - -7,00692,4
+ -18,00921,5
+ -24,00395,6

LOBULATED - -9,005,52,6
- -13,00672,5
- -13,00211,50

SMOOTH - -11,00591,80