Research Article

Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Autoimmune Thyroiditis: Are They Associated with Disease Occurrence and Its Features?

Table 1

Patients and controls characteristic.

AITHealthy controls

Age (SD) [years]46.88 (13.50)35.42 (14.96)
Female to male ratio21.3:13.48:1
Thyroid volume (SD) [ml]11.39 (8.80)10.22 (4.09)
TSH (SD) [mIU/l]2.01 (2.08)1.52 (0.49)
Levothyroxine dose (SD) [μg/kg body mass]1.19 (0.50)-
Age at diagnosis (SD) [years]43.37 (14.57)-
Follow-up time (IQR) [years]3 (1-6)-
Elevated TPOAb [%]92.83none
Elevated TgAb [%]64.13none

AIT: autoimmune thyroiditis.
Data are mean (SD, standard deviation), median (IQR, interquartile range), or percentage.