Research Article

Phenothiazinium Dyes Are Active against Trypanosoma cruzi In Vitro

Figure 3

ROS detection in T. cruzi cultures treated with phenothiazinium dyes. T. cruzi cultures were incubated with trypsin and treated with 4 × IC50 MB, NMB, TBO, DMMB, BZ, and MN for 2 hours, 37°C, and 5% CO2. The cultures were washed with PBS and incubated with 5 μM DCFDA for 15 minutes in the dark. The samples were analyzed in a flow cytometer and the median intensity of fluorescence used for ROS measurement. The control was composed of noninfected LLCMK2 cells processed under the same conditions. The percentage of fluorescence (% DFC fluorescence) was calculated in relation to the nontreated control. (a) Median intensity of fluorescence from nontreated LLCMK2 cells and trypomastigotes. (b) Percentage of DCF fluorescence from LLCMK2 cells (infected and noninfected) and trypomastigotes treated with phenothiazinium dyes, BZ, and MN.
