Review Article

Multifunctional Pharmaceutical Effects of the Antibiotic Daptomycin

Table 2

DAP combination therapies against DNS strains.

DAP combinationStrainsFor DNS strainsMechanismsActivityRefs

DAP+OxacillinMRSASynChanges in peptidoglycan insertion
Reduction in membrane amounts of PBP2a
In vivo, In vitro[58]
DAP+CeftarolineMRSASynEnhance the binding of DAPIn vitro[61, 62]
DAP+GentamicinMRSASynNot mentionedIn vitro[66]
DAP+FosfomycinVRESynReduction in cell surface chargeIn vitro[69]
DAP+AmpicillinVRESynReduction in cell surface chargeIn vitro[59]
DAP+CeftriaxoneStreptococcus mitisSynPrevent DAP resistance emergenceIn vitro[63]

DNS, DAP-nonsusceptible.
Syn, synergy.
PBP2a, penicillin binding protein 2a.