Clinical Study

The Role of Antegrade Irrigation via Percutaneous Nephrostomy on Surgical Outcomes in Semirigid Ureteroscopy among Patients with Upper Ureteral Stones

Table 4

UTI risk evaluation with pre- and perioperative data.

With UTIWith UTIp value
YesNo(OR, 95 % confidence interval)

Antegrade irrigation5/456/890.506 (1.72, 0.498–6.007)
Preoperative pyuria8/533/810.025 (4.62, 1.167–18.312)
Preoperative nitrituria3/88/1260.019 (8.85, 1.789–48.855)
Perioperative bacteriuria7/244/1100.001 (10.91, 2.883–41.296)
Sex (male)8/793/550.524 (1.95, 0.494–7.719)
Underlying DM1/4110/930.172 (0.208, 0.026–1.678)
Previous ESWL4/387/960.506 (1.496, 0.412–5.436)

UTI +UTI –p value
(n=11)(n=123)(95 % confidence interval)

Age (years)58.45 ± 15.6155.57 ± 15.090.547 (-12.296–6.542)
Operation time (min)55.91 ± 30.0754.72 ± 31.920.903 (-21.890–19.518)

UTI, urinary tract infection; OR, odds ratio; DM, diabetes mellitus; ESWL, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy.
Fisher’s exact test.
Student’s t-test.