Research Article

Estimation of Motor Impairment and Usage of Upper Extremities during Daily Living Activities in Poststroke Hemiparesis Patients by Observation of Time Required to Accomplish Hand Dexterity Tasks

Table 1

Descriptive summary of paraplegic participants.


No. of participants86
Sex (F : M)33 : 53
Age66 ± 16
Paralyzed side (R : L)51 : 35
Dominant hand (R : L : bilateral)80 : 5 : 1
Diagnosis (infarction : hemorrhage : SHA : other)48 : 28 : 7 : 3
FMA motor score
 Upper extremity58 (52–64)
SHAP score
 Spherical74 (53–87)
 Power55 (39–83)
 Tip65 (40–86)
 Tripod43 (23–76)
 Lateral73 (37–90)
 Extension74 (55–89)
 Index of function64 (44–85)
 Frequency84 (60–96)
 Quality76 (53–92)

SHA: subarachnoid hemorrhage; other included diseases such as moyamoya disease, cerebral artery malformation, and head trauma. JASMID: Jikei Assessment Scale for Motor Impairment in Daily Living; FMA: Fugl-Meyer assessment. Data were mean and standard deviation or interquartile range (IQR). Using the method described by Light et al. [12], times can then be normalized to 100, and each of the 26 tasks was classified within one of the six prehensile patterns.