Research Article

Sometimes It Drains, Sometimes It Sustains: The Dual Role of the Relationship with Students for University Professors

Table 1

Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations.


1 Age1-.053.467-.154-.029-.057-.014-.133.074-.020-.093
2 Female1-.119.030-.041.021-.065.033-.041.048.127
3 FP1.036.132-.062.140-.036.068.114-.114
4 WO1-.015.198-.110.226-.124-.037.415
5 MW1-.172.299-.210.348.577-.307
6 CO1-.390.203-.113-.190.295
7 SSPo1-.107.254.279-.244
8 CSS1-.454-.123.294
9 UISS1.291-.226
10 WE1-.271
11 EE1

p < .05; p<.01. Gender: 0, M; 1, F. Work role: AP (associate professor), 0; FP (full professor), 1; WO, work overload; MW, meaningfulness of work; CO, conflict; SSCo, social support form colleagues; CSS, students’ demands; UISS, students’ support.