In the article titled “Artificial Neural Network to Predict Varicocele Impact on Male Fertility through Testicular Endocannabinoid Gene Expression Profiles” [1], information regarding the support of the Italian Ministry for Instruction, University and Research (MIUR), was omitted in the Acknowledgments section. The corrected section appears below:


We express our gratitude to Dr. Delia Nardinocchi (University of Teramo, Italy) for her technical support in histological analyses and to Dr. Filomena Fezza and Dr. Monica Bari (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy), for their kind assistance with the qRT-PCR experiments. This work has been funded by the Project PRIN: “Environment, lifestyle and iatrogenic effects on sperm DNA genetic and epigenetic modifications: consequences for male reproductive fitness” (Nicola Bernabò) and supported by the Italian Ministry for Instruction, University and Research (MIUR) under the National Operative Program (PON): Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 (CCI 2014IT16M2OP0005), Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE), Azione I.1 “Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione Industriale” (grant number C42F16000360001).