Research Article

Arctiin Antagonizes Triptolide-Induced Hepatotoxicity via Activation of Nrf2 Pathway

Figure 7

Effects of TP and arctiin on Nrf2 pathway in the livers. After the treatments (TP, arctiin, and TP + arctiin) in different groups, liver tissues of experimental animals were collected, and the expression levels of Nrf2, HO-1, and NQO1 proteins were determined by western blot analysis. (a) Panel shows representative bands of HO-1, NQO1, and Nrf2. Histograms represent optical density values of (b) HO-1, (c) NQO1, and (d) Nrf2 normalized to the corresponding β-actin. Data were presented as (). # compared with the control group; compared with the TP group.