Research Article

Overexpression of BMPER in Ovarian Cancer and the Mechanism by which It Promotes Malignant Biological Behavior in Tumor Cells

Figure 1

The expression of BMPER protein in different ovarian tissues and its effect on overall survival of ovarian cancer patients. (a) BMPER protein expression in different ovarian tissues (SP, 100×; bottom: 400×) (). The ovarian tissues of each group were serially sectioned at 5 μm, and BMPER expression was detected by the immunohistochemical SP method. All sections were scored under a light microscope in five randomly selected fields at 400× magnification. (i) Normal ovarian tissue (); (ii) ovarian benign tumor (); (iii) ovarian borderline tumor (); and (iv) ovarian epithelial malignant tumor (). (b) Statistical analysis of the results in (a). (). (c) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed the influence of BMPER expression on the overall survival of ovarian cancer patients; log-rank test for BMPER expression in overall survival ().