Research Article

Consumer Preference and Quality of Sachet Water Sold and Consumed in the Sunyani Municipality of Ghana

Table 3

Relationship between consumer indicators and preference of sachet water.

Consumer indicatorsPreference of sachet water
Yes, (%)No, (%) value

Water has taste
 Yes377 (100)0 (0.0).001
 No0 (0.0)123 (100)
Taste informs you to buy
 Yes368 (94.4)22 (5.6).001
 No9 (8.2)101 (91.8)
Water has colour
 Yes268 (92.4)22 (7.6).001
 No109 (51.9)101 (48.1)
Colour informs decision to buy
 Yes275 (89.0)34 (11).001
 No102 (53.4)89 (46.6)
Water has smell
 Yes290 (88.7)37 (11.3).001
 No87 (50.3)86 (49.7)
Ever experience the smell of sachet water questionable
 Yes296 (82.9)61 (17.1).001
 No81 (56.6)62 (43.4)
Cost informs decision to buy
 Yes239 (66.3)38 (13.7).001
 No138 (61.9)85 (38.1)
Label of food and drug stamp affect decision
 Yes55 (50.9)53 (49.10).001
 No322 (82.1)70 (17.9)
Check of expiry date
 Yes60 (50.4)59 (49.6).001
 No317 (83.2)64 (16.8)
Realization of no barcodes
 Yes34 (50.7)33 (49.3).001
 No343 (79.2)90 (20.8)
Check address of producers before buying
 Yes43 (51.2)41 (48.8).001
 No334 (80.3)82 (19.7)