Research Article

Personalising Management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Nursing Homes: Exploring the Synergy of Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Table 6

The hypothetical case on how the future digital platform could help with personalised BPSD management (the hypothetical data collected are highlighted in italics).

Hypothetical case
Mr. A has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (the main disease which causes dementia), and his data has been collected for one month in the nursing home. Through analysis, the Health Care Professionals identified that Mr. A prefers to stay in the dining room in the morning but in his bedroom in the afternoon. His average walking distance is 200 meters per day. The optimal duration of interaction with him is around 30 minutes. If the duration is longer, Mr. A tends to be tired; if the duration is shorter, he tends to go to bed late. However, one morning, Caregiver B noticed Mr. A does not want to go to the dining room and gets agitated very often. Since Caregiver B was also busy with other residents, she/he reported this on the digital platform and carried on working.
The next morning, a notification was generated in the digital platform showing Mr. A’s average walking distance had decreased by half, and the interaction duration had dropped to 10 minutes. The digital platform suggested a meeting with Health Care Professionals. Because of working in shifts, Caregiver B was not in the nursing home, so Caregiver C organised a meeting with Health Care Professionals to discuss the current state of Mr. A. Based on the data from the digital platform, the Health Care Professionals decided to take Mr. A for a health check and identified that he had a bruised leg. The Health Care Professionals then updated the care plan for Mr. A, which included treatment for the bruised leg, serving food in his room, and informing family members about Mr. A’s situation; thus, they would adjust their visiting time. After the care plan update was made, Health Care Professionals were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the updated plan with the new data from the digital platform.
In summary, even though Mr. A could not express what had happened to him, the digital platform sent out real-life notification based on the data collected by IPS and Professional Caregivers, and the Health Care Professionals used the data in the digital platform to identify the change in Mr. A’s behaviour and respond quickly without Caregiver B’s presence. In this way, the quality of care received by Mr. A was ensured. Without the system, Mr. A’s change in behaviour might has been overlooked, which might have caused a delay in his treatment.