Research Article

A Mobile Application Penyikang Applied in Postpartum Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Cross-Sectional Study to Analyze the Factors Influencing Postpartum Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength and Women’s Participation in Treatment

Table 8

Association between symptoms of participants and the degree of participation.


Leakage urineNo297 (51.7)278 (48.3)7.3040.007
Yes186 (43.1)246 (56.9)
Sexual dysfunctionNo405 (48.7)426 (51.3)1.1360.287
Yes78 (44.3)98 (55.7)
POPNo746 (89.8)85 (10.2)1.2230.269
Yes153 (86.9)23 (13.1)

: number; %: percentage; low: low degree participation group; high: high degree participation group; POP: pelvic organ prolapse. .