Research Article

Hematologic Features of Children and Adolescent Patients with Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions on Drugs and Food

Table 3

Dynamics hemogram in children with acute food and drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions.

ParametersGroup of patients
First dayAfterStatistics

RBC (1012/l)n = 654.40 [4.29; 4.50]4.52 [4.42; 4.63]t = −2.96,
FH group, n = 314.49 [4.33; 4.65]4.63 [4.45; 4.81]t = −2.03,
DH group, n = 344.31 [4.18; 4.45]4.42 [4.30; 4.54]t = −2.15,

HB (g/L)n = 65131.11 [128.12; 134.10]136.19 [133.44; 138.93]t = −4.96,
FH group, n = 31134.71 [129.89; 139.53]138.35 [133.96; 142.74]t = −2.35,
DH group, n = 34127.82 [124.30; 131.34]134.21 [130.72; 137.69]t = −4.78, = 0.00003

MCV (fl)n = 6581.89 [80.69; 83.09]81.68 [80.54; 82.82]t = 0.84,
FH group, n = 3181.7 [80.23; 83.17]81.14 [79.81; 82.47]t = 1.34,
DH group, n = 3482.05 [80.14; 83.95]82.17 [80.30; 84.03]t = 0.08,

MCH (pg)n = 6527.88 [27.30; 28.46]28.20 [27.52; 28.88]t = −1.42,
FH group, n = 3127.76 [27.02; 28.51]28.13 [27.25; 29.00]t = −1.15,
DH group, n = 3427.98 [27.08; 28.88]28.27 [27.19; 29.34]t = −0.89,

PLT (109/l)n = 65297.18 [277.69; 316.66]298.52 [279.48; 317.55]t = −0.16,
FH group, n = 31291.83 [259.69; 323.96]285.79 [257.13; 314.46]t = 0.21,
DH group, n = 36301.88 [276.99; 326.76]309.69 [283.48; 335.91]t = −0.41,

MPV (fl)n = 6510.52 [10.22; 10.81]10.27 [10.01; 10.54]t = 3.35,
FH group, n = 3110.94 [10.54; 11.34]10.75 [10.32; 11.18]t = 2.07,
DH group, n = 3610.25 [9.90; 10.59]9.86 [9.59; 10.12]t = 2.72,

P-lcr (%)n = 6528.85 [26.64; 31.07]27.13 [25.13; 29.12]t = 2.41,
FH group, n = 3132.07 [29.02, 35.12]30.88 [27.87; 33.89]t = 2.04,
DH group, n = 3426.21 [23.50; 28.91]23.86 [21.68, 26.04]t = 1.49,

WBC (abs, 109/l)n = 6511.47 [10.42; 12.51]10.61 [9.69; 11.52]t = 1.51,
FH group, n = 3111.27 [9.67; 12.88]10.74 [9.18; 12.29]t = 0.61,
DH group, n = 3411.65 [10.20; 13.09]10.49 [9.36; 11.61]t = 1.55,

NEUT (abs, 109/l)n = 659.03 [7.94; 10.11]5.14 [4.42; 5.86]t = 6.09
FH group, n = 319.42 [7.90; 10.94]5.15 [4.02; 6.28]t = 3.77,
DH group, n = 348.68 [7.08; 10.29]5.13 [4.15; 6.11]t = 4.75,

LYM (abs, 109/l)n = 652.05 [1.70; 2.40]4.05 [3.58; 4.51]t = −7.07,
FH group, n = 311.78 [1.35; 2.20]3.83 [3.13; 4.53]t = −5.65,
DH group, n = 342.28 [1.74; 2.81]4.23 [3.59; 4.87]t = −4.53,

MONO (abs, 109/l)n = 650.46 [0.36; 0.56]0.81 [0.73; 0.89]t = −6.32,
FH group, n = 310.42 [0.29; 0.56]0.88 [0.74; 1.02]t = −6.48,
DH group, n = 340.48 [0.34; 0.63]0.76 [0.66; 0.85]t = −3.29,

EO (abs, 109/l)n = 650.044 [0.013; 0.075]0.270 [0.209; 0.331]t = −6.65,
FH group, n = 310.023 [0.007; 0.038]0.298 [0.207; 0.389]t = −5.43,
DH group, n = 340.061 [0.005; 0.117]0.247 [0.159; 0.334]t = −4.15,

WBC: white blood cell count; RBC–red blood cell count; HGB: level of hemoglobin molecules; HCT: hematocrit; MCV: mean corpuscular volume of red blood cells; MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; PLT: platelet levels in the blood; NEUT: neutrophil granulocyte; MONO: monocyte; LYM: lymphocyte; EO: eosinophil granulocyte; MPV: mean platelet volume; P-LCR: platelet large cell ratio; abs.: absolute cells count.