Research Article

Neutrophil-Derived Semaphorin 4D Induces Inflammatory Cytokine Production of Endothelial Cells via Different Plexin Receptors in Kawasaki Disease

Figure 3

ADAM17-mediated Sema4D shedding in neutrophils is responsible for the high levels of sSema4D in KD serum. (a) Percentage of CD15+Sema4D+ neutrophils in CD15+ cells. The result shown is representative of FCM findings from KD patients () and healthy children (). (b) Percentage of Sema4D+ cells in CD3+ T cells, CD19+ B cells, CD14+ monocytes, and CD61+ platelets from KD patients () and healthy children (). (c) Elevated levels of serum ADAM17 in patients with KD. (d, e) Correlations between serum sSema4D levels and ADAM17 concentration (d) and neutrophil counts (e) in patients with KD (). Correlations are expressed as the Pearson correlation coefficient. KD: Kawasaki disease; HC: healthy children.