Review Article

Disease-Associated Circular RNAs: From Biology to Computational Identification

Table 3

A list of web databases for circRNA studies.

NameYearFunctionsDatabase linksLast updatedRefs.

Circ2Traits2013A database for circRNAs with potential disease association, observed from GWAS-associated SNPs and potential interactions with miRNAs
circBase2014A web server-based database for circRNAs[132]
SomaniR v2.02016A database of cancer somatic mutation in miRNA and target sites to interact with miRNAs or circRNAs and mRNAs[198]
CircNet2016A database providing resources of novel circRNAs, integrated miRNA-target network, expression, annotations, and sequences of circRNA isoforms (NA)
circRNADb2016A circRNA database containing >32k human exonic circRNAs[147]
TSCD2017An integrated database (tissue-specific circRNA database) to deposit features of tissue-specific circRNAs[148]
CIRCpedia v22018An updated database for comprehensive circRNA annotation from >180 RNA-seq datasets
CircR2Disease2018A curated database for circRNAs which is experimentally supported (NA)03-31-2018[150]
exoRBase2018A database of circRNAs, lncRNAs, and mRNAs from RNA-seq data of human blood exosomes[151]
TRCirc2018A database for providing information on transcriptional regulation of circRNAs[152]
CircRNAdisease2018A curated database of circRNAs and disease association[153]
Circbank2019A database of human circRNAs from different sources[154]
CircFunBase2019A database with functional circRNA resources including predicted functions that have been experimentally validated[155]
LncACTdb 2.02019A database of endogenous RNAs including circRNAs[156]
CropCircDB2019A circRNA database for crops in response to abiotic stress
AtCircDB2019A tissue-specific database for Arabidopsis circRNAs (NA)NA[158]
MiOncoCirc2019A most comprehensive database of cancer-based circRNAs, providing a reference of circRNAs from cancer cell lines and tumor tissues[23, 199]
Circad2020A curated database of circRNAs associated with diseases[144]
ncrpheno2020A database that integrates and annotates ncRNA-disease association data (NA)NA[159]
NPInter v42020An integrated database of nvRNA interaction, including circRNA interaction[160]
CircAtlas 2.02020An integrated database that contains >1 million highly reliable circRNAs in vertebrates[161]
VirusCircBase2020A database of virus circRNAs, providing fundamental atlas for further study[162]

NA: not applicable. Last access date: 05-25-2020.