Research Article

Effects of Cigarette Smoke Condensate on Growth and Biofilm Formation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Figure 2

Bacterial morphology in the absence (a–c) and presence of CSC (d–f) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results are a representative of three sets of experiments performed in duplicate. Panels on the left, middle, and right sides represent images taken at 0.5 KX, 5.00 KX, and 50.00 KX magnifications, for examination of biofilm integrity, cellular arrangements, and bacterial morphology, respectively. CSC-untreated control showing smooth intact regions of biofilm (a; oval areas), unidirectional cells (b), and elongated cells with interbacteria matrix material visible (c). CSC-treated cultures exposed to 0.7 mg/L CSC showing intact regions ((d) oval area), unidirectional cells coated with thick matrix ((e) yellow circle), and abnormally shaped cells surrounded by thicker more agglomerated matrix material ((f) arrows). The images were taken at 1 kV accelerating voltage,  mm, with an InLens SE detector.