Research Article

Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Outcome in the Littoral Region of Cameroon: A Meta-analysis of Treatment Success Rate between 2014 and 2016

Figure 4

Forest plots of pooled values of anti-TB treatment success rate in HIV-uninfected patients with regard to year and DTCs using ITT analysis (a) and PP analysis (b) from 2014 to 2016 in the Littoral Region of Cameroon. TB: tuberculosis; : total number; : number of patients cured for TB; the horizontal lines through the black boxes depicts the length of confidence interval at 95%; TB: tuberculosis; DTCs: diagnostic and treatment centers; ITT: intention-to-treat; CSIDelP: CSI Delangue + Prison; DiMedC: Dibamba Medical Center; EMCSI: Ekol-Mbeng CSI; LDH: Loum District Hospital; MDH: Mbanga District Hospital; StJDMH: St Jean de Malthe Hospital; CNH: CEBEC Ndoungue Hospital; NDH: Nkondjock District Hospital; NPH: Nkongsamba Protestant Hospital; PCH: Pouma Catholic Hospital; ESH: Epec Sakbayeme Hospital; YDH: Yabassi District Hospital; MeDH: Melong District Hospital; AMSC: Alucam Medical and Social Center; ERH: Edea Regional Hospital.