Research Article

Stunting and Its Associated Factors among Early Adolescent School Girls of Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia: A School-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis on factors associated with stunting among early adolescent school girls in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia, 2016.

VariablesStuntingOdds ratio
Yes, (%)No, (%)COR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)

Educational status of mother
 Illiterate51 (35.4%)93 (64.6%)2.40 (1.31-4.40)0.59 (0.35-1.01)
 Read & write80 (34.0%)155 (66.0%)2.26 (1.30-3.97)0.69 (0.42-1.12)
 Diploma32(17.7%)149 (82.3%)0.94 (0.50-1.80)0.55 (0.30-1.04)
 ≥Degree19 (18.6%)83 (81.4%)11
Grade of students
 Grade 565 (36.5%)113 (63.5%)1.80 (1.25-2.61)1.90 (1.13-3.20)
 Grade 637 (21.4%)136 (78.6%)0.65 (0.43-0.97)1.32 (0.72-2.44)
 Grade 754 (29.7%)128 (70.3%)0.61 (0.38-0.98)1.27 (0.68-2.56)
 Grade 826 (20.2%)103 (79.8%)11
Eating frequency/day
 <3 per day111 (42.7%)149 (57.3%)3.47 (2.43-4.95)2.37 (1.60-3.50)
 ≥3 per day71 (17.7%)331 (82.3%)11
Household food security
 Food insecure129 (40.1%)193 (59.9%)3.62 (2.51-5.23)2.52 (1.70-3.73)
 Food secure53 (15.6%)287 (84.4%)11
Live with
 Both mother & father98 (25.5%)286 (74.5%)11
 With father only46 (29.1%)112 (70.9%)1.15 (0.57-2.20)0.88 (0.37-2.11)
 With mother only13 (27.7%)34 (72.3%)0.90 (0.79-1.81)1.10 (0.60-1.84)
 Othersb25 (34.2%)48 (65.8%)1.52 (0.89-2.59)1.20 (0.63-2.27)
Alive parents
 Both mother & father128 (26.6%)353 (73.4%)11
 One of their parents alive54 (29.8%)127 (70.2%)1.20 (0.80-1.71)0.91 (0.58-1.40)
Mother employment status
 Housewife116 (39.6%)177 (60.4%)11
 Government employee40 (16.5%)202 (83.5%)0.30 (0.20-046)0.43 (0.28-0.67)
 Merchant16 (19.5%)66 (80.5%)0.37 (0.20-0.67)0.48 (0.26-0.89
 Othera10 (22.2%)35 (77.8%)0.43 (0.21-0.91)0.40 (0.18-0.87)

Statistical significant ( value < 0.05). aDaily laborer and private servants. bSister, brother, aunt, and uncle.