Research Article

Magnitude of Podoconiosis and Its Associated Factors among an Adult Population in Waghmra Zone, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Factors affecting Podoconiosis in Waghmra zone, Amhara, Ethiopia, 2019.

VariablePodoconiosisCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value

35-44187101.84 (0.77, 4.42)1.6 (0.56, 4.55)0.38
45-64192132.33 (1.03, 5.31)1.36 (0.5, 3.69)0.55
Female434140.52 (0.26, 1.05)0.55 (0.22, 1.38)0.2
Educational statusIlliterate476282.77 (1.13, 6.76)1.68 (0.59, 4.81)0.33
Primary and above282611
OccupationFarming activities434262.43 (1.08, 5.43)1.17 (0.41, 3.32)0.77
Nonfarming activities324811
Family numberLess than 4249511
4 and above509292.84 (1.09, 7.42)3.29 (1.01, 10.661)0.048
Distance from health facilityLess than 3 km6721711
3 km and above86177.81 (3.85, 15.87)6.69 (1.61, 27.86)0.009
Time taken to reach nearby health facilityBelow mean (<22.07 km)5601411
Mean and above (≥22.07 km)198204.04 (2.00, 8.15)1.16 (0.3, 4.5)0.83
Distance from water source≤4 km6742711
>4 km8472.08 (0.88, 4.92)1.65 (0.52, 5.21)0.4
Shoe wearing habitYes6481511
No110197.46 (3.68, 15.12)5.02 (1.97, 12.78)0.001
Age at 1st shoe wear2-10 years522911
>10236256.14 (2.82, 13.37)4.46 (1.79, 11.10)0.001
Feet washing habitYes449911
No309254.04 (1.86, 8.77)3.87 (1.52, 9.88)0.005
Shoe wearing habit during travelingYes647201
No111144.08 (2.00, 8.32)1.69 (0.61, 4.63)0.31
Ever sick health facilityYes4701711
No288171.63 (0.82, 3.25)2.51 (0.97, 6.51)0.058

AOR: adjusted odds ratio; COR: crude odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.