Research Article

Prostate Health Index and Prostate Health Index Density as Diagnostic Tools for Improved Prostate Cancer Detection

Figure 3

Receiver operating characteristic curves representing the diagnostic ability of blood serum biomarkers in predicting ISUP prostate cancer. Abbreviations: ISUP: International Society of Urological Pathology; fPSA: free prostate-specific antigen; %fPSA: free to total PSA ratio; phi: Prostate Health Index; PHID: phi density; PSAD: PSA density; ROC: receiver operating characteristic; tPSA: total PSA; %p2PSA: p2PSA to fPSA ratio. All significant differences are marked with asterisk (), (), and (): for tPSA vs. %fPSA, phi, PSAD, and PHID. for fPSA vs. %fPSA, %p2PSA, phi, and PHID. for PHID vs. p2PSA and PSAD.