Research Article

Prostate Health Index and Prostate Health Index Density as Diagnostic Tools for Improved Prostate Cancer Detection

Table 1

Clinicopathological characteristics of the study cohort.

PCa cases ()
Epstein’s criteriaISUP grade
All cohortBenign casesHGPIN at biopsyPCa casesNCS PCaCS PCa<2≥2

Patients, (%)210 (100)98 (46.7)24 (11.4)112 (53.3)31 (27.7)81 (72.3)72 (64.3)40 (35.7)
Age (years)
PV (mL)
 Primary, (%)172 (81.9)72 (73.5)17 (70.8)100 (89.3)27 (87.1)73 (90.1)64 (88.9)36 (90)
 Repeated, (%)38 (18.1)26 (26.5)7 (29.2)12 (10.7)4 (12.9)8 (9.9)8 (11.1)4 (10)
tPSA (ng/mL)
PSAD (ng/mL/cc)
fPSA (ng/mL)
p2PSA (pg/mL)

Abbreviations: CS: clinically significant; fPSA: free prostate-specific antigen; %fPSA: free to total PSA ratio; HGPIN: high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia; ISUP: International Society of Urological Pathology; : number of cases; NCS: not clinically significant; PCa: prostate cancer; PSAD: PSA density; PV: prostate volume; phi: Prostate Health Index; PHID: phi density; SD: standard deviation; tPSA: total PSA; %p2PSA: p2PSA to fPSA ratio. for Student’s -test or Wilcoxon singed rank test vs. non-PCa cases. for Pearson’s chi-squared test. # for Wilcoxon singed rank test vs. HGPIN.