Research Article

Relationship between a Prolonged Corrected QT Interval and Mortality in Patients Presenting with Syncope at the Emergency Department

Table 1

Demographic data, vital signs, and QTc intervals of cases.


 Female, (%)60 (88.2)8 (11.8)
 Male, (%)83 (85.6)14 (14.4)
CAD history
 Positive, (%)44 (93.6)3 (6.4)
 Negative, (%)99 (83.9)19 (16.1)
HT history
 Positive, (%)71 (88.8)9 (11.2)
 Negative, (%)72 (84.7)13 (15.3)
DM history
 Positive, (%)35 (87.5)5 (12.5)
 Negative, (%)108 (86.4)17 (13.6)
Stroke history
 Positive, (%)8 (72.7)3 (27.3)
 Negative, (%)135 (87.7)19 (12.3)
COPD history
 Positive, (%)17 (81.0)4 (19.0)
 Negative, (%)126 (87.5)18 (12.5)
Thyroid disease history
 Positive, (%)5 (86.7)1 (16.7)
 Negative, (%)138 (86.8)21 (13.2)
Age (year), median (IQR)64 (79-49)76 (90-65)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) median (IQR)120 (134-107)108 (122-98)
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) median (IQR)70 (130-104)58 (126-102)
Pulse rate (/min) median (IQR)78 (88-70)92 (91-70)
Respiratory rate (/min) median (IQR)16 (19-14)16 (18-14)

IQR: interquartile range; CAD: coronary artery disease; HT: hypertension; DM: diabetes mellitus; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.