Research Article

Identifying Mitochondrial-Related Genes NDUFA10 and NDUFV2 as Prognostic Markers for Prostate Cancer through Biclustering

Figure 2

Pathological and clinical information of the first bicluster. The abscissa represents the positive and negative values of PC1 of the sample. Positive PC1 is defined as the upper fork, and negative PC1 is defined as the lower fork. (a) The number of patients with different biochemical recurrence status. Blue represents no recurrence, and orange represents recurrence. (b) The number of patients with different tumor activities after initial treatment. Blue represents inactive, and orange represents active. (c) The number of patients with different levels of tumor sizes. Blue represents the tumor size of T3 level, and orange represents the T2 level. (d) The number of patients with different lymph nodes. Blue represents no lymph nodes, and orange represents the N1 level. (e) The number of patients with a different Gleason score. Blue represents a Gleason score no greater than seven, and orange represents a Gleason score greater than seven.