Research Article

[Retracted] Establishment and Validation of an MTORC1 Signaling-Related Gene Signature to Predict Overall Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Figure 2

Construction of an MTORC1 signaling-related signature (MSRS). (a) Cluster analysis of the patients’ gene expression data. (b) Plot showing scale-free topology (left) and mean connectivity (right). (c) Results of WGCNA of transcriptomic data and ssGSEA Z-scores of MTORC1 signaling genes. (d) Correlations between the modules (labeled with different colors) and MTORC1 signaling. The black module, displaying the highest correlation, is highlighted. (e) Plot indicating hub gene candidates derived from the black module. (f) Correlations between TSC2 expression and that of genes belonging to the MSRS.