Research Article

Assessment of Low Bone Mineral Density in Untreated Patients with Takayasu’s Arteritis

Table 2

BMD and bone turnover markers in TA patients and healthy controls.

VariableTA ()Healthy controls () value

25OHD#10.30 (7.83~13.69)16.00 (11.75~21.93)0.000
β-CTX#527.50 (372.00~617.48)380.63 (257.10~468.08)0.001
BMD L1-L4 (g/cm2)0.002
BMD total hip (g/cm2)#0.93 (0.87~0.99)0.93 (0.87~1.04)0.456
Number of LBMD$7 (17.50%)2 (3.33%)0.028

The Student -test; #Mann-Whitney -test; $Fisher’s exact test. TA = Takayasu’s arteritis; BMD = bone mineral density; 25OHD = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; β-CTX = β-cross-linked C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen; LBMD = low bone mineral density.