Review Article

Breakpoints for the Classification of Anti-Candida Compounds in Antifungal Screening

Table 1

Search strategies in the bibliographic databases used to retrieve the articles for this systematic review.

Database (since 2015)Search strategy (descriptors and combinations with Boolean operators)

PubMed#1 search: (((((((((((((((((((“agents, antifungal”) OR (“therapeutic fungicides”)) OR (“fungicidi”)) OR (“fungicidie”)) OR (“fungico”)) OR (“fungicos”)) OR (“antifungal agents”)) OR (“antifungal”)) OR (“therapeutic”)) OR (“antibiotics, antifungal”)) OR (“antibiotics, antifungals”)) OR (“antibiotics, antimycotics”)) OR (“antifungal antibiotics”)) OR (“therapeutic”)) OR (“fungicides chemistry”)) OR (“fungicides/therapeutic”)) OR (“fungicides, industrial”)) OR (“fungicides, industrial”))) OR (“industrial fungicides”). Filters: full texts in the last 5 years
#2 search: ((((((((“candida”) OR (“candida/albicans”)) OR (“candida/analysis”)) OR (“candida/chemistry”)) OR (“candida/drug effects”)) OR (“candida/infection”)) OR (“candida albicans”)) OR (“candida albicans/analysis”)) OR (“candida albicans/chemistry”). Filters: full texts in the last 5 years
#3 search: ((((((((((((((“chemical synthesis”) OR (“synthesis techniques”[All Fields])) OR (“Synthesis Technique, Organic”)) OR (“Synthesis Techniques, Organic”)) OR (“Technique, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (Techniques, Organic Synthesis)) OR (“Techniques, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (“Methods of Organic Synthesis”)) OR (“Organic Synthesis Methods”)) OR (“Method, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (“Methods, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (“Organic Synthesis”)) OR (“Organic Syntheses”)) OR (“Syntheses, Organic”)) OR (“Synthesis, Organic”). Filters: full texts in the last 5 years
#1 AND #2 AND #3

Scopus#1 search: (ALL (“chemical synthesis” OR “Method, Organic Synthesis” OR “Synthesis Technique, Organic” OR “Synthesis Techniques, Organic” OR “Technique, Organic Synthesis” OR “Techniques, Organic Synthesis”) OR ALL (“Methods of Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Synthesis Methods” OR “Methods, Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Syntheses” OR “Syntheses, Organic” OR “Synthesis, Organic”)) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND PUBYEAR > 2015
#2 search: (ALL (“candida”) OR ALL (“candida/albicans”) OR ALL (“candida tropicalis”) OR ALL (“candida glabrata”) OR ALL (“candida albicans”) OR ALL (“candida/analysis”) OR ALL (“candida chemistry”) OR ALL (“candida/drug effects”) OR ALL (“candida infection”) OR ALL (“candida albicans/analysis”)) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND PUBYEAR > 2015
#3 search: (ALL ((“Agents,antifungal” OR “antifungal agents” OR “antifungal antibiotics” OR “antibiotics,antifungal” OR “fungicides,therapeutic” OR “therapeutic fungicides” OR “fungicides industrial”)) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND PUBYEAR > 2015)
#1 AND #2 AND #3

Web of Science#1 search: (TS = (“agents, antifungal” OR “antifungal agents” OR “antifungal antibiotics” OR “antibiotics, antifungal” OR “fungicides, therapeutic” OR “therapeutic fungicides” OR “fungicides industrial”)) AND DOCUMENT TYPES: (Article)
Indexes = SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Tempo estipulado = 2015-2020
#2 search: (TS = (“chemical synthesis” OR “Synthesis Technique, Organic” OR “Synthesis Techniques, Organic” OR “Technique, Organic Synthesis” OR “Techniques, Organic Synthesis” OR “Methods of Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Synthesis Methods” OR “Method, Organic Synthesis” OR “Methods, Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Synthesis” OR “Organic Syntheses” OR “Syntheses, Organic” OR “Synthesis, Organic”)) AND DOCUMENT TYPES: (Article)
Indexes = SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Tempo estipulado = 2015-2020
#3 search: (TS = (“candida” OR “candida/albicans” OR “candida tropicalis” OR “candida glabrata” OR “candida albicans” OR “candida/analysis” OR “candida chemistry” OR “candida/drug effects” OR “candida infection” OR “candida albicans/analysis”)) AND DOCUMENT TYPES: (Article)
Indexes = SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Tempo estipulado = 2015-2020
#1 AND #2 AND #3

Lilacs#1 tw:((tw:(tw:((tw:(“chemical synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Method, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Synthesis Technique, Organic”)) OR (tw:(“Synthesis Techniques, Organic”)) OR (tw:(“Technique, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Techniques, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Methods of Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Organic Synthesis Methods”)) OR (tw:(“Methods, Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Organic Synthesis”)) OR (tw:(“Syntheses, Organic”)) OR (tw:(“Synthesis, Organic”)))))) AND (fulltext:(“1”) AND db:(“LILACS”)) AND (year_cluster:[2015 TO 2020])
#2 tw:((tw:(tw:((tw:(“candida”)) OR (tw:(“candida/albicans”)) OR (tw:(“candida tropicalis”)) OR (tw:(“candida glabrata”)) OR (tw:(“candida albicans”)) OR (tw:(“candida/analysis”)) OR (tw:(“candida chemistry”)) OR (tw:(“candida/drug effects”)) OR (tw:(“candida infection”)) OR (tw:(“candida albicans/analysis”)))))) AND (fulltext:(“1”) AND db:(“LILACS”)) AND (year_cluster:[2015 TO 2020])
#3 tw:((tw:(tw:((tw:(“Agents,antifungal”)) OR (tw:(“antifungal agents”)) OR (tw:(“antifungal antibiotics”)) OR (tw:(“antibiotics,antifungal”)) OR (tw:(“antibiotics,antifungal”)) OR (tw:(“fungicides,therapeutic”)) OR (tw:(“therapeutic fungicides”)) OR (tw:(“fungicides industrial”)))))) AND (fulltext:(“1”) AND db:(“LILACS”)) AND (year_cluster:[2015 TO 2020])
#1 AND #2 AND #3

SciFinder“agents”; “antifungal”; “chemical synthesis”; and “candida”
Advanced search:
Publication years: 2015-2020
Document types: Journal
Research topic: microdilution test