Review Article

Relationship of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio with Carotid Plaque Vulnerability and Occurrence of Vulnerable Carotid Plaque in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of all study population in different groups.

ItemControl ()Non-plaque ()Stable plaque ()Vulnerable plaque ()/ value value

Age, yearsaabab26.752<0.001
Male, (%)166 (53.7)138 (55.9)50 (53.8)169 (68.1)abc13.9390.003
Hyperlipidemia, (%)67 (21.7)63 (25.5)22 (23.7)61 (24.6)1.2490.741
Hypertension, (%)195 (63.1)176 (71.3)a75 (80.6)a200 (80.6)ab24.842<0.001
Diabetes, (%)64 (20.7)61 (24.7)27 (29.0)87 (35.1)ab15.3450.002
CHD, (%)12 (3.9)13 (5.3)4 (4.3)21 (8.5)a5.9550.114
AF, (%)8 (2.6)17 (6.9)a5 (5.4)14 (5.6)5.9600.114
Smoking, (%)28 (9.1)37 (15.0)a21 (22.6)a43 (17.3)a14.0130.003
Drinking, (%)21 (6.8)28 (11.3)14 (15.1)a30 (12.1)a7.4860.058
TC, mmol/Lab2.4910.059
TG, mmol/L0.6830.563
HDL-C, mmol/Laa5.1780.001
LDL-C, mmol/La2.2420.082
ApoAI, g/Labac8.024<0.001
ApoB, g/La1.6350.180
Lp(a), nmol/Laa3.4050.017
BMI, kg/m2aaa16.038<0.001
SBP, mmHgabab8.694<0.001
DBP, mmHgaa3.4980.015
FBG, mmol/La2.0260.109
Hcy, μmol/La1.4990.213
Fib, g/Laaa6.270<0.001
CRP, mg/La3.9310.008
Leukocyte (×109/L)aa4.2370.006
Neutrophil (×109/L)0.9100.435
Lymphocyte (×109/L)ab2.4060.066

Abbreviations: CHD: coronary heart disease; AF: atrial fibrillation; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglyceride; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; ApoAI: apolipoprotein AI; ApoB: apolipoprotein B; Lp(a): lipoprotein(a); BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; FBG: fasting blood glucose; Hcy: homocysteine; Fib: fibrinogen; CRP: C-reactive protein; NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio. a, as compared to control; b, as compared to nonplaque; c, as compared to stable plaque.