Research Article

Biocontrol of Two Bacterial Inoculant Strains and Their Effects on the Rhizosphere Microbial Community of Field-Grown Wheat

Table 1

Disease prevention efficacy by microbial inoculants.


Total number of wheat seedlings300300300
 Diseased plantsabb
 Disease incidence49.7%8.7%8.0%
 Relative efficacy82.5%83.9%

Values are presented as (). Means sharing a common letter within the same row are not significantly different at . “T1” denotes wheat seedlings treated with F. graminearum F0609 and BIO-1; “T2” denotes wheat seedlings treated with F. graminearum F0609 and BIO-2; “CK” denotes wheat seedlings treated with F. graminearum F0609 and an equal volume of sterile water.