Research Article

Fecal 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing Analysis of Changes in the Gut Microbiota of Rats with Low-Dose Aspirin-Related Intestinal Injury

Figure 6

PCoA and PCA. (a) PCoA plot based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. The APC, CG, and NS groups could be effectively separated, indicating that the composition of the intestinal flora in the APC group was significantly different from that of the CG and NS groups. However, the CG and NS groups were not effectively separated, indicating that the gut bacterial compositions of the two groups was similar. (b) NMDS at OTU level analyses. No intersection between the APC group and the CG and NS groups was observed, demonstrating that the APC group was different from the CG and NS groups. In contrast, an intersection between the CG and NS groups was observed, demonstrating that there was no significant difference between these groups. (c) PLS-DA analysis based on OTUs. The APC, CG, and NS samples were effectively separated, and the relationships between different microbial contents and groups indicated that different microbial contents could be used to predict different groups.