Research Article

A New Mathematical Model for Controlling Tumor Growth Based on Microenvironment Acidity and Oxygen Concentration

Table 2

Summary of control parameters used in the simulations with their references.


pH_thre_qCritical pH: PC ➔ QC6.4[52]
pH_thre_NeCritical pH: QC ➔ NeC6[53]
O2_threO2 threshold value: PC ➔ QC0.02mMol[54]
gl_threGlucose threshold value: PC ➔ QC0.06mMol[54]
O2_thre2O2 threshold value: QC ➔ NeCO2_thre/2mMol
gl_thre2Glucose threshold value: QC ➔ NeCgl_thre/2mMol
Do2O2 diffusion coef.cm2 s-1[55]
DglGlucose diffusion coef.cm2 s-1[56, 57]
DGfGrowth factor diffusion coef.cm2 h-1[48]
DIfInhibition factor diffusion coef.cm2 h-1[48]
DHH+ diffusion coef.cm2 s-1[57, 58]
Cr_o2Base consumption rate of O2Mol.cells-1.s-1[59, 60]
Cr_glBase consumption rate of glMol.cells-1.s-1[48, 61]
Cr_GfBase consumption rate of Gf0.5cm3.h-1[48]
Cr_IfBase production rate of if1cm3.h-1[48]
Cr_HBase production rate of H+Mol.cells-1.s-1[42, 62]