Review Article

Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Compromising Cellular Resilience to Environmental Stressors

Table 1

Types and characteristics of different EVs.

CharacteristicExosomesMicrovesiclesApoptotic bodies

Size (nm)30-180100-1000500-2000
OriginMVB exocytosisCell membrane budding and fissionPlasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum
MorphologyCup or round shapedVarious shapesVarious shapes
Surface markersAnnexins, tetraspanins, and heat-shock proteinsCD40, cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and ceramideAnnexin V positivity, TSP, and C3b
ContentsProteins, nucleic acids, lipidProteins, nucleic acids, lipidNuclear fractions, DNA, cell organelles