Research Article

Continuous Incisional Lidocaine in Pediatric Patients following Open Heart Surgery

Table 5

Comparison between age groups.

years years
Control group ()IA group ()Control group ()IA group ()

Basal characteristics
Age (months)8.50 (5-17)6 (4-9)0.08160 (48-96)76 (53-120)0.159
Males, (%)26 (61.9%)13 (56.5%)0.67822 (59.5%)46 (55.4%)0.683
RACHS1 score2 (2-2)2 (2-3)0,7502 (1-3)3 (2-3)0.052
Extubation in OR, (%)22 (54.4%)16 (69.6%)0.18420 (54.1%)73 (88%)0.001
Postoperative period
COMFORT scale19 (17.7-21.6)22 (19.5-23.7)0.05819.3 (18.2-20.3)21.8 (20-23.5)0.001
ANALGESIA scale1.5 (0.8-2.7)1.7 (1.2-2.2)0.9831.75 (1-2.9)2 (1-2.7)0.971
Days of iv fentanyl2 (1-3)1 (1-2)0.0212 (1-3)0 (0-1,5)0.001
Fentanyl dose (mcg/kg/h)1,5 (1-2)1.5 (0.87-2)0.3981 (0.9-2)0.5 (0.5-1.25)0.254
Days of iv midazolam1 (0-2)0 (0-0,5)0.3040 (0-0.12)0 (0-0)0.792
Midazolam dose (mcg/kg/min)2 (1-2)2 (1-2)0.3193 (3-5)5 (3-8)0.040
Days of iv propofol0 (0-2)0 (0-1)0.2910 (0-0)0 (0-0)0.014
Propofol dose (mg/kg/h)1.25 (1-2)1.75 (1-2)0.5922.25 (1.25-2.87)1 (0.75-2)0.147
MV duration (hours)19 (7.5-24)19 (6-48)0.5988 (4-17)24 (2-30)0.073
PICU LOS (days)4 (3-4)5 (3-6)0.0392 (2-2)1 (1-2.5)0.040

IA: incisional analgesia; Iv: intravenous; OR: operating room; RACHS1 score: Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery; MV: mechanical ventilation; PICU LOS: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay.