Research Article

[Retracted] Assembly of 97 Novel Bacterial Genomes in the Microbial Community Affiliated with Polyvinyl Alcohol in Soil of Northern China

Figure 4

Predicted biosynthetic gene clusters from the Taisui MAGs: (a) biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) identified on MAG sequences were summed as phyla on the y axis and were colored by product types as the results of antiSMASH, (b) seven large PKS-NRPS hybrid or neighboring or interleaved gene clusters in the Candidatus Promineofilum sp. TS_38 genome were shown, and (c) phylogenetic tree of Planctomycetia MAGs with predicted PKS or NRPS clusters () and closest reference genomes of them (counts of PKS or NRPS clusters was shown in the bar plot).