Research Article

[Retracted] Mendelian Randomization Study of Causal Relationship between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Risk of Lung Cancer

Table 3

Associations of omega-3 fatty acids with lung cancer in Mendelian randomization analysis.

MethodsnSNPBetaOR (95% CI)MethodCochran’s QEgger-intercept (95% CI)

IVW42-0.1060.899 (0.817, 0.990)0.03IVW69.80. 2400.006 (-0.006, 0.018)0.293
MR-Egger42-0.1560.856 (0.750, 0.977)0.026
Weighted median42-0.1750.899 (0.817, 0.990)0.001
Simple mode42-0.1040.901 (-0.678, 1.199)0.478
Weighted mode42-0.1520.859 (0.782, 0.944)0.003

MR: Mendelian randomization; SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism; nSNP: number of SNPs; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; IVW: inverse variance weighted.