Research Article

Effects of Osteocyte Shape on Fluid Flow and Fluid Shear Stress of the Loaded Bone

Table 2

Geometrical and material constants used in the osteon model [20, 21, 23, 35].


Radial drained Young’s modulus15.9 (GPa)
Radial drained Poisson’s ratio0.328
Axial drained Young’s modulus20.3 (GPa)
Axial drained Poisson’s ratio0.25
Biot’s modulus38 (GPa)
Biot’s effective coefficient0.132
Solid density2000 (kg/m3)
Fluid density1000 (kg/m3)
Dynamic viscosity10-3 (Pa·s)
Inner radius of bone tissue50 (μm)
Outer radius of bone tissue150 (μm)
Fluid compressibility (1/Pa)