Research Article

Physicochemical Characterization of In Vitro LDL Glycation and Its Inhibition by Ellagic Acid (EA): An In Vivo Approach to Inhibit Diabetes in Experimental Animals

Table 2

Glycation inhibition from EA treatment characterized by biochemical estimations in alloxan-induced diabetic rats in vivo.

GroupsKetoamines (nM mL-1)CC (nM mL-1)TBARS (nM mL-1)CD (nM mL-1)AGEs (A.U.)

Group I control
Group II diabetic control
Group III diabetic + 10 mg EA
Group IV diabetic + 20 mg EA
% inhibition by 10 mg EA24%33%32%30%40%
% inhibition by 20 mg EA44%56%59%61%62%

Each value is Five rats per cage in each group. The and values differ significantly with the diabetic group II.